Synod Self-Study Synod Ministry Review click here to download Northern Great Lakes Synod1029 North 3rd StreetMarquette, MI 49855Phone: 906-228-2300Fax: 906-228-2527OnLine Donations Quick Links PrayfaithfullyChurch is GoodStewardship ProgramNewsletter ArticlesPrivacy PolicyTerms And Conditions
Who Are Lutherans? Who are These Lutherans? A Lutheran is a follower of Jesus Christ. Lutherans are: • Christians who accept the Bible as the source of doctrine and guidance.• Christians who accept the same ancient belief statements – the Apostles and Nicene and Athanasian Creeds. Lutherans proclaim God’s message by: • emphasizing salvation through…
About Our Synod The Northern Great Lakes Synod Lutheran Christians in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan and Northeastern Wisconsin gather together in communities of faith for worship and ministry. Walking together are the 80 congregations, 115 pastors and 27,500 Lutherans of the Northern Great Lakes Synod of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA). This…
Contacts Office Northern Great Lakes Synodof the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America1029 North Third St., Suite AMarquette, MI 49855 Phone: (906) 228-2300Fax: (906) 228-2527E-mail: Synod Staff Rev. Katherine A. FineganBishop Rev. James DuehringAssistant to the Bishop Heather OystiOffice Administrator Betsy KoskiBookkeeper / Secretary Deacon Lori WardSynod Missioner: Coordinator for Synodically Authorized Ministers – Licensed Lay…
[smartslider3 slider=6] Welcome We hope you will find answers here to your questions about the Northern Great Lakes Synod of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. Our site is intended to offer information, timely news, inspiring words and an opportunity to learn about the ministries of this synod and the ELCA. 2022 Synod Assembly Opening…