Innovative Ministry,


Help Us


Make incredible
change happen in your congregation

Donating by Check?

To make a gift, make your checks payable anytime to: The Northern Great Lakes Synod, with Synod Ministry Fund in the memo line.  Send to 1029 North 3rd St. Marquette, MI.  49855

How Your Donation Helps


Your gift will assist
in continuing to
build the

ministries within
our Synod and
sharing the love of
Christ in and
through our
congregations of
the Northern Great
Lakes Synod


A note from the Council of the Northern Great Lakes Synod

Dear People of the Great Lakes Synod,

As you may know, the work of Christ through the Northern Great Lakes Synod (NGLS) is funded by the generosity of our 79 congregations.  Mission Support from NGLS congregations, sometimes called Benevolence, is shared with the Churchwide Organization of the ELCA to make wider and deeper ministry possible, as well as cover the basic costs of NGLS staff salaries, benefits, and the light bill at the Synod office.  Like our congregations, the Synod staff is intentional about being good stewards of the resources entrusted to us.  Bills are paid and obligations are met.  What if we had the resources to do more?

In conversation with the Synod Council, the hope was expressed that we have an annual fund drive that creates a Synod Ministry Fund.  This fund is not an Endowment that creates a corpus from which a yearly disbursement supports ministry.  Rather, the hope for the Synod Ministry Fund is that every year it will provide needed financial support for current congregational and Synod ministry efforts.  What new thing would your congregation do if it only had the money? What collaborative effort could be possible with adequate financial support? What innovative ministry, event, initiative, or vision could come into being if only the money was there?

On Giving Tuesday (November 28, 2023), our inaugural Synod Ministry Fund Campaign will begin and extend through December 31, 2023.  Geared toward the individual giver, the hope is to build up a fund before the end of this year from which monies will be distributed for ministry projects the following year. The goal is for resources that are nimble and accessible; gathered in one year and sent out the next.

Please continue to faithfully support your congregation with your regular giving and make an additional gift to the Synod Ministry Fund. Every gift makes an impact. 

Whether you donate $5 or $500, your gift will assist in continuing to build the ministries within our synod and sharing the love of Christ in and through our congregations in the U.P. and Northern Wisconsin.

Thank you for supporting this new way to fund ongoing NGLS ministry efforts.

In Christ,

The Council of the Northern Great Lakes Synod