Congregational Reporting

Each year the ELCA asks congregations to provide information about their people and activities in an annual congregation report, however, each congregation is much more than these numbers. The information provided contributes to a greater knowledge of overall trends in the ELCA and our Synod.  

The report is filled out on Form A and Form C, which are mailed to each congregation in early January.  

You can access electronic versions of the forms and instructions here.  

·        To file an annual congregation report, please click here

·        To update your congregation’s leadership, please click here.

The password is printed at the top of both Form A and Form C, which are included in the mailed packet from the ELCA.  If you cannot find your congregation’s password, please call the Synod Office for assistance at (906) 228-2300.  We are also able to help with any questions you may have.

*Keep a copy of your records*