Northern Great Lakes Synod
Synod Assembly

Friends of the Northern Great Lakes Synod...

We are thrilled to have you join us for the in person 2025 NGLS Synod Assembly located at Bethel Lutheran Church in Ishpeming, MI and Northern Michigan University in Marquette, MI


As the synod gathers, we invite you to consider how your church, your congregation, and the Synod together, nurtures seeds of faith. 1 Corinthians 3:6, “I planted, Apollos watered, but God gave the growth”, speaks to an arc of growth where the Apostle Paul planted seeds of faith and that is all. It was Apollos who watered them, nurtured those seeds, and witnessed some growth, and of course, he only witnessed the growth, he did not cause the growth. That is the work of the Holy Spirit. We invite you to find ways to nurture and provide opportunities, space, and encouragement for faith to grow.


The Synod Assembly Live Stream will begin May 15th at 9:15 am ET
*Trying to join the live stream before 9:15 am EST will bring you to a “page not found” page.

Visitor Registration

Click Here to Sign Up

Voter Registration

Click Here to Sign Up




To the left is a flyer that will be sent out to each congregation for this year’s theme for an in gathering of our offering at Synod Assembly!






For Synod Assembly this year, our World Hunger Committee is putting together a slideshow of all the different ways folks in our synod work to feed the hungry. Our theme is cast your bread upon the waters from Ecclesiastes 11:1-2. Please send us photos of your food ministry for inclusion in the report.



Submissions can be sent to pastor.tommyrichter@gmail.com for consideration.

Pre-Assembly Report

We will not mail out the Pre-Assembly Report this year because of related costs. The complete Pre-Assembly Report will be available April 15, 2025 to download or print below

Synod Assembly Workshops

During Synod Assembly on Friday, May 16th, there will be workshops focusing on pressing synod topics. You can select which workshops you would like to sign up for when registration opens on March 1st.

Display Table Registration

Registration for display tables for Synod Assembly 2025. Please return to the synod office by April 15. 

Still have questions? Email ngls@nglsynod.org or call 906/228-2300