Lenten Challenge 2025
We invite you to participate in this year’s Lenten Challenge from the Christ’s Kaleidoscope Group this Lent from Ash Wednesday, March 5 through Monday, April 14. This year we will use two resources to see us through this challenge. First is a book, “Turning Over Tables: A Lenten Call for Disrupting Power” by Kathy Escobar and a devotional from the ELCA, “Dismantle: An Anti-White Supremacy Lenten Devotional.”
These resources help us confront the power structures that perpetuate injustice in our world, our communities, and ourselves. To participate in this change you can sign up through this link, https://forms.gle/ZMbFf3zybkwpiSg89. You will also need to purchase the book by Kathy Escobar from anywhere you buy books. As this is short notice, we will provide you with the first two weeks of the book digitally as you wait for your book to arrive.
We will form two cohorts to facilitate our discussion together. A Sunday group that will meet at 7pm East, 6 pm Central, and a Monday group from 1:30pm East, 12:30 Central. This is a great opportunity to join with others around Synod to do the hard work of dismantling systems of racial injustice that are prevalent in our world. With the uncertainty of these last few months, this work is essential to ensure those in marginalized communities find allies to help, support, and love them in their journey.
Please consider making this part of your Lenten journey this year.
Yours in Christ,
Pastor Jared Howard
Faith Lutheran Church, Calumet
Amazon link for “Turning Over Tables” https://rb.gy/hb450t
Christ's Kaleidoscope Resources
Past Christ's Kaleidoscope Resources