Lifelong Faith Formation 2025
Winter Classes Now Open for Registration
Scroll down or click on a title for details on these classes which begin in January and February:
In its fifth year, Lifelong Faith Formation is one way for people of the Northern Great Lakes Synod, and beyond, to be church together. Join the conversation. Enjoy fellowship. Grow in faith as you study the Bible, church traditions, and contemporary concerns.
Please register at least one week prior to the date your class begins.
All classes are held online via Zoom, with one exception. “Take and Eat” is meeting in person, at Immanuel Lutheran Church in Escanaba. Courses are FREE but may require the purchase of textbooks or other materials. See below for details.
Contact Deacon Lori Ward if you have any questions about Lifelong Faith Formation at (615) 519-1969 or

Introduction to Biblical Greek: Part 2
Sunday evenings, beginning January 19 (end date to be determined)
7–8 p.m. Eastern Time, 6–7 p.m. Central Time
Have you ever heard your pastor say, “In the Greek, this word means…”? This class will be an experimental way of learning to engage with the Greek, even if learning a whole new language seems intimidating. As this is a continuing class, some basic, prior study of Greek is recommended.
Materials Needed:
A Primer of Biblical Greek by N. Clayton Croy
Note from Pastor Nicole: this book is a wonderful reference, and we will be using it for the exercises and vocabulary. Its true purpose is to be a resource even after the class ends. As much as I do love eBooks, I do find it easier to study language materials with a physical copy.
Cost: $33.99 new paperback, $22.00 eBook (cheaper on used book websites)
Click here to purchase the book.
Time needed to obtain materials: One to two weeks, depending on how you order; eBook is instant.

Walking With Our Indigenous Neighbors
Tuesday evenings for 4 weeks, February 4 – 25
7–8 p.m. Eastern Time, 6–7 p.m. Central Time
Session One will provide an overview of “Walking With Our Indigenous Neighbors” in the Northern Great Lakes Synod. The presentation will be led by taskforce members Pastor Dave VanKley, Pastor Melinda Vandersys, Rich Reitz, Nancy Hykes, Pastor Julie Belew, and Pastor Bucky Beach.
In Session Two, Pastor Bucky Beach and Rich Rietz will present and discuss the ELCA Truth and Healing Initiative on Indian Boarding Schools.
For Sessions Three and Four, Pastor Julie Belew will explore the “Teachings of the Seven Grandfathers,” and their expression of Anishinaabe culture and values.

Take and Eat: A Study of Food and Spirituality, from Holy Communion to Potlucks
Every other Wednesday evening, beginning January 22 (January 22, February 5, February 19, March date to be determined due to Ash Wednesday)
6–7 p.m. Eastern Time, 5–6 p.m. Central Time
In this four-session class we will explore the importance of food in our ministry and in our liturgical expression of both worship and our lives.

Revelation - Revealing a Book of Hope & Comfort: Part 1
Thursday evenings for 10 weeks, January 16 – March 20
7–8 p.m. Eastern Time, 6–7 p.m. Central Time
“I always joke that we keep the book of Revelation at the very back of our Bibles in hopes that you will never get there,” says Pastor Tommy, “because everyone who tries to read the Bible all the way through will probably fall asleep somewhere during the lists of names in Deuteronomy anyhow. But there are some good, hopeful, and comforting words hiding in this book that is hidden at the back. Let us pull back the blanket together and see what is hidden here: spoiler alert, this is a book of comfort and hope!”

Growing Younger: Sharing Ideas and Strategies to Engage Young People
Third Thursday of each month, January 16 – May 15
7–8 p.m. Eastern Time, 6–7 p.m. Central Time
Guest instructors: Pastor Brenda Greenwald, Gethsemane Lutheran Church, Wallace, and St. Stephen’s Lutheran Church, Stephenson; Amanda Rasner, Director, Fortune Lake Camp; Pastor Melissa Salminen, Bethany, Perkins and Trinity, Stonington; and Charlotte Strom, Hospitality Director, Fortune Lake Lutheran Bible Camp
The Northern Great Lakes Synod Youth Ministry Team will continue its Lifelong Faith Formation class based on the book Growing Young by Powell, Mulder, and Griffin through May. We will explore what it means to Grow Younger and why it matters. Based on research at over 250 thriving congregations, Growing Young provides ideas and strategies any church can use to involve and retain young people (specifically those who are 30 years or younger). Participants will meet via Zoom once per month. Registration will remain open so participants can join at any time. You are encouraged (although not required) to sign up for this class with another congregation member to encourage commitment and a continuation of conversations within church communities. All churches grow old. Strategic churches grow younger.
Materials Needed:
Participants will need a copy of the book Growing Young by Powell, Mulder, and Griffin. Some churches in our synod have expressed support of this class and are willing to cover the cost of books for congregation members, so please contact your pastor to see if this is an option for you. Books are available for purchase through Kindle or Audible subscriptions or through the Fuller Institute’s website (Growing Young – Fuller Youth Institute). Used copies are also available by doing an Internet search.
Please note that there are multiple books with this same name so please check the authors’ names before ordering.