We are Companions in Christ

Companion Synod

Companion Synod Organization

For over 30 years, the Northern Great Lakes Synod has been in a Companion Synod relationship with the Eastern and Coastal Diocese (ECD) of the Evangelical Lutheran Church of Tanzania (ELCT). The foundation of this relationship is fostering friendships in Christ. In the spirit of accompaniment and companionship in the Lord, scores of people from our synod have traveled to Tanzania. People from our synod have taught in schools, worshipped in the parishes of the ECD, helped with building projects at Kisarawe Lutheran Jr. Seminary, participated in dental missions at Mtoni, and shared life with the gracious people of the ECD. Likewise, scores of people from Tanzania have visited our Northern Great Lakes Synod over these 30+ years. We have learned so much from each other. All congregations of the Northern Great Lakes Synod are invited to be in a companion relationship with a congregation in Tanzania. You are encouraged to learn more about this Companion Synod Relationship and pray for our friends in Christ in the Eastern and Coastal Diocese.”

Contact Bishop Katherine Finegan at the synod office at 906-228-2300

Or, contact Brian (brian.e.anderson1982@gmail.com) and Danielle Anderson (daniruthanderson@gmail.com), co-chairs of our Companion Synod Committee