Welcome to the Youth Ministry page for the
Northern Great Lakes Synod of the ELCA!

Youth Ministry Team
The synod’s Youth Ministry Team works to plan and support youth ministry activities and events, develop and share resources in youth and family ministry with congregations, and provide training opportunities to develop leaders of every age in youth and family ministry.
2024 NGLS Child Protection Policy & Congregation Letter
As you put together your own policies and best practices, feel free to reach out to Stefanie Ehle, NGLS Youth Ministry Coordinator, or Bishop Katherine Finegan with any questions or circumstances you want to talk through.
2025 Multi-Synod Youth Gathering – July 8-11, 2025, River Falls, WI
The NGLS will once again be partnering with the Northwest Synod of Wisconsin to offer a Multi-Synodical Youth Conference for high schoolers (students who have completed 8th-12th grades are eligible to register). The event will take place July 8-11, 2025 at UW River Falls.
Please visit https://nwswi.org/entangled for more details.
Check out the videos below from previous Multi-Synod Gatherings!
REBOUND 2022: https://vimeo.com/737079958
JOURNEY 2023: https://vimeo.com/857955183/7a55bf5ffd

Synod-Wide Dungeons and Dragons Club
Check out the links below for more information on this exciting new youth opportunity!
Growing Younger

The Northern Great Lakes Synod Youth Ministry Team is once again holding a Growing Younger class, based on the book, Growing Young, by Powell, Mulder, and Griffin. The class will explore what it means to Grow Younger and why it matters. Based on research at over 250 thriving congregations, Growing Young provides ideas and strategies any church can use to involve and retain young people (specifically those who are 30 years or younger).
The class will meet via Zoom the third Thursday each month between October 2024 and May 2025. Additional information, along with a registration link can be found at https://nglsynod.org/lifelong-faith-formation/
The ELCA Growing Younger project began in 2019, after research confirmed that congregations were experiencing a decrease in attendance, especially among young people. ELCA staff discovered that the Fuller Youth Institute had been working across denominations to help churches grow younger and create more vibrant communities in response to this trend. Since then, the ELCA has had over 300 people trained from 52 synods to learn how to create a faith community that not just welcomes young people, but equips them with strategies to create a place where young people can belong and be part of the church family.

Please send us your name and email address to be included in future communications regarding youth ministry in our synod.

2027 ELCA Youth Gathering — June 28 – July 2, 2027 Minneapolis, MN
Every three years, thousands of high school youth and their adult leaders from across the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America gather for a week of faith formation and fellowship known as the ELCA Youth Gathering. Through inspiring speakers, worship, music, and the opportunity to be immersed in the host city, young people will be inspired, challenged, and called to live out their faith in their daily lives.
If you would like to be part of the 2027 ELCA Youth Gathering, please reach out to your pastor or contact the NGLS Youth Coordinator to connect with other participants from the Northern Great Lakes Synod.
Visit ELCA Youth Gathering for additional information and resources to help you prepare for this faith-forming experience.
Conference-Wide Youth Events

The Synod Youth Ministry Team encourages and supports Conference-Wide Youth Events for young people. We recognize that many congregations only have a handful of youth and that by combining efforts, we can share resources and offer more opportunities for youth to get together for fellowship and faith-building activities within their conference. With such a geographically large synod, we are looking for additional adult leaders to help plan and execute these gatherings.
Please email Stefanie Ehle (youthcoordinator@nglsynod.org) with questions or for more details.
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