Report Misconduct View the Northern Great Lakes Synod Policy and Procedures Regarding Sexual Misconduct by Rostered Ministers here. The following synod staff are available to receive reports of misconduct:Bishop Katherine Finegan | | (906) 228-2300Rev. James Duehring | | (906) 228-2300 The following individuals who are not on the synod staff are also…
Racial Equity Challenge Racial Equity Challenge Schedule Click here for Lenten Racial Equity Challenge Schedule When does the Challenge take place?The Challenge begins February 18 and runs through March 29. What is the Racial Equity Challenge?Participating in the Racial Equity Challenge is a personal commitment to devote time during Lent to engage in provided resources….
Northern Great Lakes Synod Faithful Finances Workshop For more information or to ask questions, please contact Betsy Koski at (906) 228-2300 or A Workshop for All Those Entrusted with Congregational Finances: Treasurer, Financial Secretary, Pastor, Council, Parish SecretaryA Zoom link will be sent to you one week prior to the workshop. Click…
Lifelong Faith Formation The Doctrine of Discovery: From Myth to Reality Class Materials Approximate Cost of Materials: $27 ($14 for Unsettling Truths, $13 for The Rediscovery of North America) Unsettling Truths: The Ongoing, Dehumanizing Legacy of the Doctrine of Discovery by Mark Charles and Soong-Chan Rah click here to find the book on Amazon The…
Lifelong Faith Formation Reflections on Bonhoeffer’s Life Together, While We are Apart Class Materials Approximate Cost of Materials: $10.50 • Life Together by Dietrich Bonhoeffer Click here to find the book on Amazon Additional Links Northern Great Lakes Synod1029 N. Third St., Suite AMarquette, MI 49855Phone: (906) 228-2300Fax: (906) 228-2527Online Donations…
Social media in churchesPastor Charles Newman, Crossroads, Grand Canyon Synod [embedyt][/embedyt] Northern Great Lakes Synod1029 N. Third St., Suite AMarquette, MI 49855Phone: (906) 228-2300Fax: (906) 228-2527Online Donations Quick Links PrayfaithfullyChurch is GoodStewardship ProgramNewsletter ArticlesPrivacy PolicyTerms And Conditions
Doctrine of Discovery NGLS Conference Meetings Fall 2020 [embedyt][/embedyt] Northern Great Lakes Synod1029 N. Third St., Suite AMarquette, MI 49855Phone: (906) 228-2300Fax: (906) 228-2527Online Donations Quick Links PrayfaithfullyChurch is GoodStewardship ProgramNewsletter ArticlesPrivacy PolicyTerms And Conditions
Lifelong Faith Formation Introduction to Biblical Greek II Videos Chapter 11 Chapter 10 [embedyt][/embedyt] Chapter 9 [embedyt][/embedyt] Optional passive voice lecture [embedyt][/embedyt] Introduction to Biblical Greek I Videos Chapter 2 Lecture [embedyt][/embedyt] Chapter 3 Lecture [embedyt][/embedyt] Chapter 4 Lecture [embedyt][/embedyt] Week 5 [embedyt][/embedyt] Week 6 [embedyt]…
Professional Leader’sOnline Theological Conference an event for Pastors, Deacons and Licensed Lay Ministers Monday, February 8, 2021 via Zoom9 am-12 pm CT / 10 am-1 pm ET Thank You – We Received Your Payment Please fill registration form below: Please note that all files are required Northern Great Lakes Synod1029 North 3rd StreetMarquette, MI…